Preventive program for occupational stress coping of the workers from a food products company / Programa preventivo para afrontamiento del estrés laboral de los trabajadores de una empresa de productos alimenticios

  • Estefany Katherine Vallejo Unach


This research objective was to prepare a preventive health and safety program to cope with the work stress of the workers a food products company in the City of Riobamba, which seeks to reduce the level of stress through the application of the active breaks during the workday. To obtain the required data, the evaluation of the seven workers of the company made up of five men and two women was carried out. The research is non-experimental, correlational, transversal and applicationtype research. It was identified that the company's workers have a level: medium of stress with 71.43 %, being the most affected male workers. With the application of the COPE test, it was possible to identify that there is an active coping at a low level of 28.57%; a passive coping level: low of 14.29%. With the application of training and active pauses which consist
of a series of exercises for the relaxation of the muscles of the neck, arms, shoulders, hands, fingers, legs, knees and feet, the level of stress could be reduced from medium to a low level in the workers of the company improving the work environment and generating a healthy and safe working environment.




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VALLEJO, Estefany Katherine. Preventive program for occupational stress coping of the workers from a food products company / Programa preventivo para afrontamiento del estrés laboral de los trabajadores de una empresa de productos alimenticios. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 41-44, sep. 2019. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 18 mayo 2024
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