Ergonomic risk assessment in road service collectors / Evaluación de riesgo ergonómico en el puesto de trabajo de cobrador de caseta

  • Nitzia Reyes Hernández Autor


Objective: The present work was carried out on the Lerma-Santiago State Highway, State of Mexico, where the ergonomic conditions of the booth collector's job were evaluated, taking into account the 5 work shifts and all the workers (20 workers)

Methods: the thermal comfort was evaluated with Fanger method, Check List OCRA method for repetitive movements and RULA method for forced postures

Results: the first shift is in an unfavorable thermal condition, showing 71% of people dissatisfied by thermal environment. Related to repetitive movements and forced postures, the risk corresponded more than to the activity they performed, due to anthropometric considerations and type of vehicles that served.

Conclusions: It is necessary to implement specific ergonomic evaluations of workers in the recruitment and hiring phase, to avoid reaching a consolidated occupational disease and to be able to treat those with signs.




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REYES HERNÁNDEZ, Nitzia. Ergonomic risk assessment in road service collectors / Evaluación de riesgo ergonómico en el puesto de trabajo de cobrador de caseta. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 5, p. 65-69, dic. 2020. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 04 dic. 2024
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