Process of qualification and valuation of a death by an occupational injury at the IMSS: An application example / Proceso de calificación y valuación de una defunción por accidente de trabajo en el IMSS: Un ejemplo de aplicación

  • Alan Jair Amezquita Jara


Introduction: Death is defined as the cessation of life that takes place with the confirmation of the irreversible cessation of cardiorespiratory or brain functions. The Federal Labor Law defines a Work Accident as any organic injury or functional disturbance, immediate or subsequent, death or disappearance derived from a criminal act, produced suddenly in exercise or due to work. During 2018, the IMSS recognized 1,381 deaths due to work risk.

Objective: At the end of reading the article, the occupational physician will identify the process of qualification and valuation of a death due to an accident at work at the Mexican Institute of Social Security, to apply it in the event of suffering any death due to an accident at work in your center labor.

Clinical Case: A 20-year-old worker with a cleaning post who, during her working day on a construction site, suffered a contusion in the right parietal region of the skull and posterior region of the thorax with a Polín which fell 15 meters high, dying Subsequently, for which reason the occupational physician and the relative of the deceased went to the Occupational Health service of her UMF, requesting the classification of said accident and corresponding compensation, which were granted in compliance with the Federal Labor Law, Social Security Law and Procedure for the ruling of current IMSS work accidents.

Discussion: During the last 8 years 844 women have died while exercising and due to work.

Conclusion: It is essential that both the company and the relatives of the deceased worker and occupational medical personnel know the process of qualification and valuation of a death due to an accident at work, IMSS, as well as the rights and compensation that the Social Security Law grants.




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AMEZQUITA, Alan Jair. Process of qualification and valuation of a death by an occupational injury at the IMSS: An application example / Proceso de calificación y valuación de una defunción por accidente de trabajo en el IMSS: Un ejemplo de aplicación. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 5, p. 57-61, dic. 2020. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 18 mayo 2024
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