Importance of pre-employment medical assessments, a case report / Importancia de los exámenes médicos de ingreso laboral, reporte de un caso

  • José Miguel Istilart Ríos Coordinación de Salud en el Trabajo, Hospital General Cd. del Carmen
  • Araceli Mayen Paz
  • Rolando Dante Sánchez Alvear


Introduction: The pre-employment medical assessments allow us to know the physical and mental conditions of the applicants and confront them with the work conditions to which they apply. For the evaluating physician to be as objective as possible, they must know the categories and jobs, the environmental risks inherent in the tasks to be performed, and a broad overview of the applicable medical-legal regulations.

Objective: Highlight the importance of pre-employment medical assessments as administrative and legal compliance, but also for those who support jobs.

Methods: Present the clinical case of a job applicant whose pre-employment medical assessment revealed the diagnosis of left diaphragmatic hernia.

Conclusion: In the reported case, a diagnosis that the subject was unaware of was established, considering appropriate medical evaluation procedures based on scientific evidence, the job-person compatibility protocols, and the professional ethics of the evaluator to adequately established aptitude work and place the worker in a position that can be more profitable for both parties, company, and worker in terms of health and productivity.




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ISTILART RÍOS, José Miguel; MAYEN PAZ, Araceli; SÁNCHEZ ALVEAR, Rolando Dante. Importance of pre-employment medical assessments, a case report / Importancia de los exámenes médicos de ingreso laboral, reporte de un caso. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 6, p. 71-75, jun. 2021. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 14 mar. 2025
Reporte de caso