Manual handling of loads in workers in the laundry and clothing area of a regional general hospital from Queretaro / Manejo manual de cargas en los trabajadores del area de lavanderia y roperia del HGR1 Queretaro

  • Hugo Ramirez Lorenzo


Introduction: Huaroto et al. (2015) carried out an ergonomic study on the clothing and laundry equipment in a hospital, finding that 85.71% of the laundry activities presented a high risk, and for the clothing area it reported 71.43% of the activities with high risk; in Mexico, there is no antecedent of a similar study.
The objective of this study was to determine the ergonomic risk for manual handling of loads in the activities of the laundry and clothing area of a Regional General Hospital in Querétaro.
Material and methods: An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study of a sample of 41 workers from the laundry and clothing area, their ergonomic risks was evaluated using the Annexes I and II from the NOM-036-1-STPS-2018.
Results: The ergonomic risk for lifting/lowering the load had an average value of 7.01 in 100% of the positions.
Conclusions: It was determined that the main ergonomic risks in activities with manual handling of loads in the laundry and clothing area were lifting/lowering, transporting, and activities that involve pushing or pulling loads with the use of auxiliary equipment.




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RAMIREZ LORENZO, Hugo. Manual handling of loads in workers in the laundry and clothing area of a regional general hospital from Queretaro / Manejo manual de cargas en los trabajadores del area de lavanderia y roperia del HGR1 Queretaro. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 7, p. 89-93, dic. 2021. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 17 mayo 2024
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