Forms of work organization and communication technologies / Formas de organización del trabajo y las tecnologías de la comunicación

Pasado y actualidad de los impactos en la salud


Introduction: This paper describes some forms of work organization (FOT) that appeared in past decades such as Lean Production-Manufacturing, Lean Management, and Kaizen Method; also different administrative transformation systems such as downsizing, and outsourcing. The results of the investigation of Valeyre A (2006) are cited, the Lean Production model obtains the highest proportion of health threats (66%), the Taylorist (63%), the Learning model (53%), and the Simple Structure (51%). “Stress, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability were the disorders identified in the staff. Karoshi and Karojisatsu phenomena are reviewed. Pathologies such as nomophobia, cyber addiction, and risks such as cyberbullying linked to ICTs, their link with digitization, and their influence on the subsequent transformations of the FOT and current administrative policies are reconsidered. Reports on an imbalance between work and family, social isolation, fatigue, musculoskeletal disorders, sedentary lifestyle, alterations in the general health of people teleworking, and the increase in platform activity due to Covid-19 are discussed.
Objectives: Review and warn about changes in health, identified in past decades related to the organization of work and precariousness. Highlight the progress of ICTs and their influence on the subsequent transformations of the FOT, to recognize the changes still in force, anticipating possible new risks and possible changes generated in the health of workers.
Conclusions: Taking into account the past and the phenomena that occur and disrupt the world of work in the present, would provide useful elements to glimpse the future of health and safety at work, with greater possibilities of advancing prevention actions, with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to events




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MORALES NÁPOLES, Elia. Forms of work organization and communication technologies / Formas de organización del trabajo y las tecnologías de la comunicación. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 8, p. 7-17, jul. 2022. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 13 mar. 2025