Natural/Social History of occupational injuries and diseases / Historia Natural/Social de los accidentes y enfermedades de trabajo


The natural/social history of a disease allows for predicting the evolution of a health condition. By transferring this paradigm to the analysis of the occupational health risks and diseases, there is a chance to predict the behavior of an occupational disease.

According to the different stages of this natural/social history od diseases, the following outlook has been set on the pre-pathogenesis phase, when the occupational risk has not yet developed, but the worker is already exposed to the work environment agents. If the appropriate control measures were not taken, the balance is broken and the host is affected, generating an occupational disease or injuriy.

The presence of this first sign/symptom starts the pathogenesis phase. The levels of prevention set the guidelines for the interruption of the chain of events that make up the natural/social history of the disease (occupational risk) and that lead to progressive health damage, which is a primary aim of the Occupational Health and Safety.




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PINTOR PRADO, Enrique; ORTIZ RAMÍREZ, Karina. Natural/Social History of occupational injuries and diseases / Historia Natural/Social de los accidentes y enfermedades de trabajo. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 8, p. 32-36, jul. 2022. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 18 mayo 2024