Effectiveness of a therapeutic exercise program in reducing low back pain in office workers of a Health Institute / Efectividad de un programa de ejercicio terapéutico en la reducción del dolor lumbar en trabajadores de oficina de un Instituto de
Introduction: Low back pain is associated with occupational causes. Also, it is the first cause of functional limitation and absenteeism in workers under 45 years. Furthermore, the risk of injury is high due to prolonged postures, inadequate furniture, and a sedentary lifestyle, which is why muscle weakness in the abdominal region and shortening of the hip muscles are common. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a therapeutic exercise program in reducing pain in office workers with mechanical low back pain after a prolonged period of teleworking.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted among workers of the Mexican Institute of Social Security who work in central offices between October 2021 and March 2022.
Results: Ninety-three workers presented lumbar musculoskeletal symptoms through the standardized Nordic Questionnaire, of which 39 were diagnosed with mechanical and chronic low back pain. The level of lumbar disability was also identified with the Oswestry and Roland-Morris Questionnaire, the level of physical activity with the IPAQ Questionnaire, and pain intensity with the Visual Analogue Scale. The intervention consisted of education for postural hygiene, muscle stretching, stability exercises, and trunk muscle strengthening for 12 weeks. In the pre and post-intervention analysis, a significant difference was found in pain intensity (p = 0.001) with 95%CI.
Conclusions: The results suggest that a progressive therapeutic exercise program effectively reduces chronic low back pain of mechanical origin in office workers after prolonged teleworking.
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Efectividad de un programa de ejercicio terapéutico en la reducción del dolor lumbar en
trabajadores de oficina de un Instituto de Salud en México
Artículos originales
Rev. Red Inv. Sal. Trab. Vol. 5 Número 9 Año (2022) ISSN 2594-0988
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