Job precariousness of working conditions for resident physicians: A systematic review and meta-analysis / Precariedad laboral de las condiciones de trabajo en médicos residentes: Una revisión sistemática y meta-análisis
Introduction: The medical residency is part of the professional development of the general physician. Unfortunately, this stage of training involves a series of factors that end up deteriorating the mental health of the resident physician, resulting in the presence of different mental disorders.
Objective: to identify the main risk factors predisposing to the presence of burnout in resident physicians around the world of any specialty and residency level using a systematic review of the literature.
Materials and Methods: a systematic search of articles in English, from 2018 to 2022 related to burnout in resident physicians worldwide, was performed using the SCOPUS search engine, obtaining a total of 120 articles, then the discard was carried out in three phases, which were for the title, abstract and for the content of the article, resulting in 12 articles, included in the final analysis.
Results: The articles reviewed included a population ranging from 17 to 1343 participants. The prevalence of low self-fulfillment was 41.3% (8% - 74.7%), emotional exhaustion 30.9% (7.9% - 54%), and 22.6% (5.2% - 40%) for depersonalization. Among the main risk factors were excessive working hours (>70h), night shifts, few hours of sleep (<6h), degree of residence, female sex, inadequate diet, and unfavorable work environment.
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