Complexity in assessment of fatigue in aviation: some used methods / Complejidad en la evaluación de la fatiga operacional: algunas herramientas utilizadas.
algunas herramientas utilizadas.
Introduction: Operational fatigue is a physiological state that involves a reduction of physical and/or mental capacities and might jeopardize safety in aerial operations. This pathology that could develop in any aviation personnel has increased its prevalence due to the fast-growing demands of the industry favoring modifications of the pilots´ journeys like longer flying and service times, rotating and night shift working.
Review: Aiming to mitigate operational fatigue many efforts to assess, measure, and predict it has been made, approaching it by its causes and manifestations that altogether result in a lot of ways to study this pathology. Tangible or objective manifestations have been searched individually in organs, in the whole apparatus, and by tests that bring many body systems together. Subjective tests, even easier to apply, might represent limitations and disadvantages since they depend on what the contestant would like to answer.
Conclusion: The complexity of the phenomenon has generated a tendency to use more than one test to assess operational fatigue. This is the right practice at least until validation of subjective tests can be carried out and its application allows constant and credible evaluations.
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