Identification of a tendency to unsafe behavior to prevent occupational accidents / Identificación de tendencia a conductas inseguras para prevenir accidentes laborales


Introduction: Occupational accidents continue to be a concern in the labor field, and there is a prevalent idea that the accident rate is an inevitable consequence of the work process.

In this project, a questionnaire was applied to identify unsafe behaviors (individual) of workers that consider not only the behavior itself but also the personality aspects that could be causing this behavior and thus make decisions to minimize the accident rate of organizations.

Objective: To analyze the tendencies to unsafe behaviors in workers from a food manufacturing company to prevent accidents.

Method: The sampling was non-probabilistic by convenience with a cross-sectional correlational design, with 277 workers of a food manufacturing company. The Safety TEST questionnaire was applied.

Results: Of the 277 workers 50% were found to tend to engage in unsafe behaviors in the organization.





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ORTIZ SALAS, Raquel Irais. Identification of a tendency to unsafe behavior to prevent occupational accidents / Identificación de tendencia a conductas inseguras para prevenir accidentes laborales. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 10, p. 29-32, abr. 2023. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 04 dic. 2024
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