NA, CRH, Cortisol, IL-6 and Glucagon as biomarkers of effect of psychosocial risk factors at work / NA, CRH, Cortisol, IL-6 Y Glucagón como biomarcadores de efecto de factores de riesgo psicosocial en el trabajo


Introduction: Biomarkers are substances that can be measured in body fluids and indicate a biological change upon exposure. There are three types: exposure, effect, and individual susceptibility. Those of effect are classified into early effect biomarkers (EEB) and late effect biomarkers. EEBs have a wide field of application in preventive matters, however, they have been used very little to identify and prevent exposure to Psychosocial Risk Factors (PRF). The neuroimmunoendocrine system is in charge of keeping our body in balance, using the biomolecules that communicate with each other in these systems as EEBs, can help prevent the development of various diseases. Our study proposes to use as EEBs by exposure to PRF like NA, HCR, Cortisol, Glucagon and IL-6 because they are biomolecules that have a close bidirectional interaction in the aforementioned regulatory system. Objective. Analyze if the proposed EEBs can be used by exposure to PRF.
Material and methods: NA, HCR, Cortisol, IL-6 and Glucagon concentrations were measured in whole blood serum of 80 Mexican workers, all of whom signed an informed consent letter based on Helsinki´s Declaration. The concentrations were compared with the reference values of each EEBs, likewise, correlations were made with PRF.
Results: The quantified concentrations of HCR and Glucagon were above their reference values in 100% of the participating individuals, followed by NA and IL-6 in 43.8% and 7.5% respectively. IL-6 also presented values below its reference value in 2.5% of the participating individuals, while cortisol was below its lower reference limit value in 83.75%.
Conclusions: The HCR, Glucagon and cortisol presented concentrations outside their reference values in more than 80% of the participants, however, only Glucagon and Cortisol correlated with the PRF evaluated. Glucagon showed a difference with respect to sex, so it can be considered a EEB that better reflects the exposure to PRF. Future studies are recommended to reinforce these findings.


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How to Cite
OLVERA-BELLO, Alejandra Eugenia et al. NA, CRH, Cortisol, IL-6 and Glucagon as biomarkers of effect of psychosocial risk factors at work / NA, CRH, Cortisol, IL-6 Y Glucagón como biomarcadores de efecto de factores de riesgo psicosocial en el trabajo. Network of Research in Occupational Health, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 7, p. 7-19, may 2023. ISSN 2594-0988. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 may 2024.
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