Knowledge about occupational risks in nursing professionals / Conocimientos sobre riesgos laborales en profesionales de enfermería


Introduction: The world health organization reported that about 2.2 million health workers have experienced exposure to occupational risks, with nursing professionals being among the most exposed; however, these professionals are aware of biosecurity measures, but do not apply them in the performance of their duties; in this context, they do not know the post exposure protocols. Lack of knowledge about occupational risks potentially increases exposure to them and the risk of contracting occupational diseases.
Objective: To identify the knowledge about occupational risks in Nursing Professionals. Material and methods: Quantitative, cross sectional and descriptive approach. The study population was the Nursing Professionals of a Hospital in Mexico City, with a non-probability sampling as appropriate (n = 97). A multi-reactive and problematizing questionnaire was applied to subsequently perform univariate and bivariate analysis of the information using the STATA 15 program.
Results: Of the total sample, 39.2% had knowledge of occupational risk and 60.8% did not. The lowest score obtained in the occupational risk questionnaire was 2.6 points and the highest was 8.7 with an average of 7.2. No statistically significant differences were identified between the shift, category or degree of studies and the level of knowledge on occupational risks.
Conclusions: Nursing Professionals do not have knowledge about occupational risks. It is important to reinforce work education on occupational risks in these professionals for the prevention, reduction, and prompt action in case of exposure to them.




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ALAS DÍAZ, Andrés de Salomón et al. Knowledge about occupational risks in nursing professionals / Conocimientos sobre riesgos laborales en profesionales de enfermería. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 7, p. 75-81, mayo 2023. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 18 mayo 2024
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