Forced posture and repetitive movements associated to musculoskeletal disorders in dental students and teachers / Postura forzada y movimientos repetitivos asociados a molestias musculoesqueléticas en estudiantes y maestros cirujanos dentistas

  • Dalis Cortés Rodríguez Especialización en Salud en el Trabajo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Horacio Tovalin Ahumada Especialización en Salud en el Trabajo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Juan Alfredo Sánchez Vázquez Especialización en Salud en el Trabajo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Objective: This work aims to assess the association of forced postures and repetitive movements in the upper extremities, with the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, in students and teachers of the dental surgeon career.
Method: This is a comparative cross-sectional study, they participated. 66 students, and 11 teachers. Ergonomic risks and the presence of musculoskeletal discomfort were studied with: RULA Method, OCRA Checklist, ME-EST-UNAM Questionnaire, and ERGO-UNAM Questionnaire.
Results: According to the RULA method, 95% of dental student positions require an urgent change in tasks. According to the OCRA Checklist in the right limb, the risk is high. The most prevalent musculoskeletal discomforts were: 87.8% with back discomfort, 62% with neck discomfort, and 51.5%) with hand-wrist discomfort. Back and neck discomfort were associated with forward bending The study confirms the presence of musculoskeletal complaints related to ergonomic risks in dental students and teachers




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CORTÉS RODRÍGUEZ, Dalis; TOVALIN AHUMADA, Horacio; SÁNCHEZ VÁZQUEZ, Juan Alfredo. Forced posture and repetitive movements associated to musculoskeletal disorders in dental students and teachers / Postura forzada y movimientos repetitivos asociados a molestias musculoesqueléticas en estudiantes y maestros cirujanos dentistas. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 5, p. 43-50, mayo 2023. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 04 dic. 2024
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