Identification of bisinosis in operational personnel of a textile company / Identificación de bisinosis en personal operativo de una empresa textilera

  • Luisa Hernández-Suárez Maestría en Seguridad e Higiene Ocupacional, Secretaría del Trabajo del Estado de México
  • Enrique Pintor-Prado Maestría en Seguridad e Higiene Ocupacional, Secretaría del Trabajo del Estado de México


This study was carried out with the purpose of identifying the workers who are at risk of suffering from byssinosis who work in the winding area in a textile factory that produces cotton-based yarns and fabrics, with the purpose of classifying them with respect to their exposure by applying medical stories with a specialized questionnaire for Asma Laboral and the NTP 231 questionnaire for byssinosis, in addition to performing chest X-rays, applied to 25 workers selected for convenience. The degree of byssinosis in which the workers are found stands out that in grade 1/2 there is 8%, in grade 1 there is 16%, in grade 2 there is 56%, in grade 3 there is 16%, in addition to 72% of the population that is in grade 2 and 3 present pulmonary alterations in the chest radiographs. The bisinosis disease found in the studied sample is 96% from grade 1 to grade 3 and correlated with the area in which they work and the seniority in the position..




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HERNÁNDEZ-SUÁREZ, Luisa; PINTOR-PRADO, Enrique. Identification of bisinosis in operational personnel of a textile company / Identificación de bisinosis en personal operativo de una empresa textilera. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 37-41, mayo 2023. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 16 feb. 2025
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