Low back pain and postural and lifting of loads risks in field workers of a drinking water agency / Lumbalgia y riesgo postural y por levantamiento de cargas en trabajadores de campo de una agencia de agua potable

  • Pétalo de los Ángeles Tenorio-Carmona Especialización en Salud en el Trabajo, FES Zaragoza UNAM, Ciudad de México
  • Horacio Tovalin-Ahumada Especialización en Salud en el Trabajo, FES Zaragoza UNAM, Ciudad de México http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4419-9392
  • Alfredo Sánchez-Vázquez Especialización en Salud en el Trabajo, FES Zaragoza UNAM, Ciudad de México


Introduction: The objective of this project was to study the association between the presence of low back pain with the ergonomic risk due to inadequate postures and manual handling of loads in the workers of extraction and distribution of drinking water. Method: A group of 81 field workers was studied. The OWAS and MAC methods were applied to identify the ergonomic risks present. The clinical history and physical exploration of the workers were obtained. Results: The positions with the highest frequency of very harmful postural risk were the group Peon 2 and Maestro 1. The positions that have a greater risk due to handling loads are the group of Peon 1, Peon 2 and Master 2. In the group of leak repair engineers, Master 1 and Peon 1 have a higher percentage of post-day pain. In both groups, a higher frequency of back pain after working hours was observed in workers with higher postural risk. Conclusions: According to the results, the general hypothesis was confirmed, since the workers who presented a higher risk of lumbar pain post-session, had a higher ergonomic risk and physical activity.




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TENORIO-CARMONA, Pétalo de los Ángeles; TOVALIN-AHUMADA, Horacio; SÁNCHEZ-VÁZQUEZ, Alfredo. Low back pain and postural and lifting of loads risks in field workers of a drinking water agency / Lumbalgia y riesgo postural y por levantamiento de cargas en trabajadores de campo de una agencia de agua potable. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 42-46, mayo 2023. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <https://rist.zaragoza.unam.mx/index.php/rist/article/view/622>. Fecha de acceso: 16 feb. 2025
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