Pathological and cognitive aspects in software developers related to video game addiction / Aspectos patológicos y cognitivos en desarrolladores de software relacionados a la adicción en videojuegos

  • Carlos Jesús Hinojosa Rodríguez Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
  • Gilberto Manuel Córdova Cárdenas Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
  • Ramón René Palacio Cinco Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
  • José de Jesús Soto Padilla Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora


Introduction: This study´s objective was to design a scale to measure the software developer's addiction to video games and describe the highest percentages of cognitive-behavioral and pathological behaviors.

The study consisted of 101 male subjects whose ages ranged between 21 and 24 years. The volunteers answered a questionnaire designed to measure addiction to video games. The instrument has 10 items with a Likert score of 1 -5. We analyze the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Our results indicate that the questionnaire is reliable and has a high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.965).

Method: The study was correlational since pathological and cognitive aspects are related to the use of video games. Besides, we carried out an exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation.

Results: From the factor analysis, we obtained that 53.4% of the subjects presented a high level of pathological characteristics— developers frequently get angry when playing, impacting the neglect of their activities. On the other hand, 46% show cognitive-behavioral characteristics— Developers find life boring without playing. Furthermore, we obtain a correlation of .651 between both factors. We found that pathological aspects (dimension 2) has a high correlation with the cognitive-behavioral issues (dimension 1).

Conclusions: In recent years, the number of Internet users has grown considerably. Furthermore, the use of online video games has become more popular among young people. We identified a significant correlation between cognitive and pathological characteristics presented by software developers. We found that the pathology in video game users is present and can affect its users emotionally and represent a high risk of developing an addiction due to the high score in both aspects.




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HINOJOSA RODRÍGUEZ, Carlos Jesús et al. Pathological and cognitive aspects in software developers related to video game addiction / Aspectos patológicos y cognitivos en desarrolladores de software relacionados a la adicción en videojuegos. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 6, p. 32-38, mayo 2023. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 14 mar. 2025
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