Consumption of psychoactive substances in trucks drivers and its affectation in the degree of health / Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en operadores de tractocamión y su afectación en el grado de salud


Introduction: Truck drivers are an important part of the logistics sector, among the various risk activities conducted by truck operators is the consumption of psychoactive substances. Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional, and descriptive study was conducted on 264 truck operators, belonging to a logistics base. Results: Out of 995 anti-doping tests, 121 results were positive and 874 negatives. The highest incidence was during the aleatoric procedure with forty-five positive results out of a total of 211 tests; the month of September had the highest incidence, with thirty positive results out of a total of 227 tests performed that month. Being amphetamines the substance of greater consumption, Conclusions: The use of psychoactive substances, as a result, the use of psychoactive substances is a widespread practice among truck operators.




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LÓPEZ TREJO, Homero Janai; MONTES OSORIO, Mario Germán; PÉREZ, Manuel González. Consumption of psychoactive substances in trucks drivers and its affectation in the degree of health / Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en operadores de tractocamión y su afectación en el grado de salud. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 12, p. 33-41, jun. 2024. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 22 nov. 2024
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