Occupational health in transformation times / La salud en el trabajo en tiempos de transformación
This issue is published in moments of a profound change in the public life of our country, where national objectives are rethought and new forms of organization and social coexistence are proposed.
A stated purpose of the new government is to promote the welfare of the population and without a doubt one of the most effective means to do this is with the improvement of health conditions, safety and welfare in the workplace.
This issue contains interesting essays on the effects of the "Economic crisis on health and safety at work" and a review of the state of the art on a group of key workers in the national economy the "working conditions and health of professional drivers "
The document section includes the letter delivered by the Colegio Ramazzini AC to the president-elect on the importance of including in his government plan as a priority issue the promotion and improvement of health and safety at work, hoping that this document will help to make this basic need of the individuals visible to the new government.
In addition, the issue presents a series of research reports related to work-related stress and psychosocial risk factors, as well as the health effects of ergonomic risks.
We hope that these contents are of your interest and that jointly all health professionals at work continue to promote the development of our professional field and knowledge.
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