Physical activity during COVID-19: an exploratory study case of recreational travel in Mexico City / Actividad física durante COVID-19: un caso de estudio exploratorio de los via-jes recreativos en la Ciudad de México


Introduction: A survey on physical activity habits during the period of social distancing due to COVID-19 was applied to eighty-eight people in parks in Mexico City.

Results: The results show a relationship between exercising during distancing with the Body Mass Index (p<.001) and with the sex of the people (p=.012).

Conclusions: Although it was concluded that the increase in activity is temporary and because work at home allows changing travel time for other recreational activities, it is concluded that people with overweight and women perform more physical activity than before the pandemic.




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BERRONES-SANZ, Luis David. Physical activity during COVID-19: an exploratory study case of recreational travel in Mexico City / Actividad física durante COVID-19: un caso de estudio exploratorio de los via-jes recreativos en la Ciudad de México. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 10, p. 50-53, abr. 2023. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 06 mar. 2025
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