Sodium hydroxide burn in the eye of an oil industry worker, its assessment and indemnification / Quemadura en ojo por hidróxido de sodio en trabajador de la industria petrolera; su dictaminación e indemnización


Introduction: Chemical burns are among the most common occupation-related injuries.

Methodology: A worker who has been diagnosed with an eye burn due to contact with sodium hydroxide while working; he has no ophthalmological pathological history. The case will be addressed for the ruling and compensation process in accordance with the Federal Labor Law, Title Nine, and the Collective Labor Contract of the year 2021.

Results: In our patient, before being able to classify an accident or illness, a root cause analysis was conducted by the area heads. Once classified as an accident or illness, along with the diagnosis by a specialist in this case ophthalmology, it continues with a doctor specializing in expert medicine. Once the diagnosis and appropriate treatment have been stipulated, the consequences will be evaluated. In this case, the patient will be compensated in accordance with Article 514 of the Federal Labor Law.




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DURAN SANCHEZ, Mitzi Daniela et al. Sodium hydroxide burn in the eye of an oil industry worker, its assessment and indemnification / Quemadura en ojo por hidróxido de sodio en trabajador de la industria petrolera; su dictaminación e indemnización. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 11, p. 77-81, dic. 2023. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 16 feb. 2025
Reporte de caso
