Basic concepts of the Normal Distribution / Conceptos básicos de la Distribución Normal


The normal distribution is the most used distribution of continuous variables in the study of natural and social phenomena. The proposed model is applicable to different disciplines such as biology, medicine, nursing, astronomy, demography, psychology, engineering, economics, and others. disciplines. This distribution has a characteristic graph, known as the Gaussian bell, which presents a series of characteristics that make it a fundamental tool for the study and determination of the probabilities of the occurrence of a given result, based on a set of previous historical data. In this document we will review the basic concepts, properties, the probability density function of the distribution and the data standardization process, which gives rise to the standard normal distribution, a fundamental tool that allows the study of the different normal distributions to be standardized. existing and apply it in the study of processes and phenomena of the disciplines.




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Rev. chil. anest. Vol. 43 Número 2 pp. 116-121|
SOTO ESPINOSA, Juan Luis; HERRERA MÁRQUEZ, Alma Xóchitl. Basic concepts of the Normal Distribution / Conceptos básicos de la Distribución Normal. Red de Investigación en Salud en el Trabajo, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 12, p. 73-82, jun. 2024. ISSN 2594-0988. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 06 mar. 2025
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